
The following activities are conducted in the National Insurance Fund of the Republic of Serbia:

1)    Adoption of the Articles of Association;
2)    Adoption of general documents acts under the authority of the law, which regulate in more detail the implementation of the compulsory health insurance scheme;
3)    Planning and providing financial resources for the implementation of compulsory health insurance scheme;
4)    Planning and ensuring conditions for equal implementation of compulsory health insurance coverage within the available funding plan in the territory of the Republic of Serbia and providing solidarity funds for the harmonization of the conditions for the provision of compulsory health insurance coverage in the territory of branch offices;
5)    Ensuring financial and other conditions for exercising rights to receive healthcare services abroad, and/or for insurees' referral to healthcare institutions abroad for receiving medical treatments;
6)    Adoption of the work plan for exercising rights under compulsory health insurance coverage in accordance with branch offices’ work plans;
7)    Adoption of the financial plan and final statement of accounts of the National Health Insurance Fund, in accordance with the law;
8)    Entering into contracts with healthcare providers in accordance with the law and provision of funds for healthcare under these contracts;
9)    Transfer of funds for the exercise of rights under compulsory health insurance coverage in branch offices in accordance with the law;
10)    Ensuring legal, dedicated and economical use of resources and ensuring resources growth on economic grounds;
11)    Provision of direct, efficient, rational and lawful exercise of the right to health insurance and organizing the activities for the implementation of health insurance scheme;
12)    Organization of the activities for the implementation of the health insurance scheme directly in the National Health Insurance Fund;
13)    Coordination of operation of branch offices and the Provincial Health Insurance Fund;
14)    Organization and control of operation of branch offices, lawful and appropriate use of funds transferred to branch offices for exercising the right under compulsory health insurance scheme;
15)    Control of the enforcement of contracts entered into between branch offices and healthcare providers, and/or of exercise of rights under compulsory health insurance scheme;
16)    Establishment and control of keeping master records and master records management;
17)    Organization, control and harmonization of the activities of the first instance and second instance medical committees;
18)    Ensuring the implementation of international agreements on compulsory health insurance;
19)    Keeping records and monitoring the collection of contributions, exchanging information with competent authorities on health insurance contributors as well as other information related to contributions;
20)    Provision of required technical assistance to insured persons related to the exercise of health insurance rights and protection of their interests in respect of insurance;
21)    Adoption of other general documents in accordance with the law and Articles of Association;
22)    Performance of other activities related to the management and disposal of movable and immovable property;
23)    Performance of activities related to damages collection in the implementation of health insurance;
24)    Implementation of voluntary health insurance scheme in accordance with the law;
25)    Implementation of public procurement procedure on behalf of and for the account of the National Health Insurance Fund and healthcare providers in accordance with the law;
26)    Issuance of health insurance documents and appropriate forms for exercising health insurance rights compulsory health insurance scheme against the fee for printing health insurance documents;
27)    Development of projects, analyses and information for the implementation of health insurance scheme;
28)    Performance of internal audit activities and coordination of internal audit activities in the beneficiaries of the National Health Insurance Fund;
29)    Performance of internal control activities;
30)    Performance of other duties prescribed under the law and the general acts of the National Health Insurance Fund.

Republic Fund of Health Insurance
Jovana Marinovića 2
11040 Belgrade
Telephone: +381 11 2053830
Fax: +381 11 2645042; +381 11 2688420